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The Children’s Hour

kiddo musician

The Children's Hour is back. We will return on Thursday, September 26th, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, with an option to go later if the situation calls for it. You and your child, or at least A child, are welcome to come by and let them perform for their contemporaries.

We provide a piano and we also welcome solo instruments, singing and maybe even dancing.

The brainchild of our neighbor Chloe Cooney, the Children's Hour is already a smash. Open Piano has always been kid-friendly, and this takes it to another level. It's cute, of course, but their young energy is also refreshing, and they simply augmented the overall good vibe that Open Piano tries to create.

We'll try to stay consistent with the dates, but kids have other events at their schools, and it's recommended to check this website or call 301 775 3652 for any variations. For example, we will revert to having a show every third Thursday of the month in October...

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