We host Open Piano every Wednesday from 7:00 to 10:30 pm, Upstairs at The Saloon, 1207 U Street NW. You are invited to eat, drink, listen and celebrate with us, or even take your turn playing in a room full of excellent local pianists.
Open Piano DC is based upon a simple mix of people and an acoustic piano, every week. There is no recorded background music or cover charge.

Our basic schedule structure is:

First Wednesday: Late Night Show, 7:00 to midnight

Second Wednesday: Simply Open Piano, 7:00 to 10:30

Third Wednesday: Even more simply Open Piano, 7:00 to 10:30...

Third Thursday: For the first time, we host the stand-alone CHILDREN'S HOUR, From 6:00 to 8:00 PM (see Special Events)

Fourth Wednesday: Open Piano with a Spotlight guest.

March's Spotlight (3/27/24) will feature Adina, our brilliant operatic sporano who is transitioning to songs from Broadway, Hollywood and even Cuba, so it will be quite an interesting mix. Adina will be accompanied by several Open Piano regulars, at least four at last count.

The Spotlights are generally a half hour long and start between 8:00 and 8:30 pm. And, since the Spotlights take up at chunk of time, last a half hour, we realized that we have to stay late to fit everyone in. And that's what we're gonna do...

Also, the Children's Hour is back, staring on Thursday, September 26th, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, with an option to go later if the situation calls for it. You and your child, or at least A child, are welcome to come by and let them perform for their contemporaries.

FMI: Please see our Special Events page, or call 301 775 3652
The Saloon is a non-profit pub that donates its earnings to the Kamal Foundation, which builds schools and clinics all over the world. So, every time you buy a drink, you're helping somebody.
The Saloon is served by the Green Line U Street Metro stop. There is no cover charge.
FMI about The Saloon, the foundataion or Open Piano, call 301 775 3652. To get on our mailing list, please go to: purple.ohodin.com

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