
Open Piano is a unique weekly event, held at The Saloon, 1207 U Street NW, featuring an acoustic piano, and those who play it and sing along with it.

--Only Such Event in the DMV
Launched by Kevin Lambert in January 2018, at Mount Pleasant’s Purple Patch, taken during the pandemic outside of FrankoJazz Studios and finally landing in The Saloon in October 2021, Open Piano is the only event of its kind in the DMV. Anyone wanting to play will get on. If you want to sing, we will try to find an accompanist. Several well-regarded piano/voice duos have gotten their start in just this manner, on our stage. There is never any mechanical “background” music; just the instruments and the various sounds of merrymaking. The interior of The Saloon is almost exclusively wooden, so the sound carries very smoothly. We have found that Open Piano works best in a pub.

--Every Musical Genre
We have a pretty solid core of exceptionally talented pianists and singers, and we present practically every musical genre, from Bach to Broadway to Rockabilly. But our mandate is to give every musician some stage time. The motto is, if the performers are sincere about what they are playing, we don’t care if it’s a Goth Polka.

--No Cover Charge
Open Piano is presented every Wednesday, from 7:00 to 10:30 pm, with some seasonal variations, which we will announce here and through the MailChimp list.

The Saloon is a non-profit pub, the HQ of the Kamal Foundation, and any funds over expenses are used to build schools and clinics all over the world.

FMI about the foundation, the pub 301-775-3652
FMI about Open Piano, simply send us a Question: info@openpianodc.com
To join the MailChimp list, simply go to: purple.ohodin.com

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